Websites for Churches Belonging to the American Baptist Churches in the USA


Websites for the American Baptist Churches (and to a lesser extent churches within the Reformed and Calvinist Tradition)

When it comes to educating people about your Baptist church’s progressive theology and your church’s mission to proclaim God’s grace to all through Jesus Christ, there are times when some local congregations don’t have a clue.

This is not at all to be insulting! Churches, their leadership and their staff definitely “get” what their faith is about. The disconnect comes when they do not use their websites as an effective tool.

At the risk of sounding indelicate—church leadership needs to get its foot into the door of culture. By stating this, I do hope that I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes, but the fact remains that for all of the church websites out there in “the wild” on the internet, only about 30-40% of them are functioning at full capacity. Specifically, the challenges churches face in the future are both complex as they are numerous.

Mount Curve Press has been in the business for nearly a decade producing websites on the Squarespace platform. Daniel D. Maurer, an author as well as a website designer can provide your Baptist, Reformed, or Calvinist Church with a website you’re not only proud to own, but one that’s easy to use and accomplishes your mission.