Church Websites for the Episcopal Church


Reaching Deep Into History, While Meeting the Challenges of the Future

The Episcopal Church has its theological and historical roots in the Anglican Church in the United Kingdom. Today, however, churches all throughout North America may hearken back to that foregone era only through worship—the hymns each congregation sings on Sunday morning, as well as the liturgy the “work of the people” celebrates.

But when it comes to educating the public about your Episcopal Church’s progressive theology and your church’s mission to proclaim God’s grace to all through Jesus, often many Episcopal churches fall short.

For lack of a more subtle way of putting it—church leadership often doesn’t have a clue. By stating this, I do hope that I’m not stepping on anyone’s toes, but the fact remains that for all of the church websites out there in “the wild” on the internet, only about 30-40% of them are functioning at full capacity. Specifically, the challenges churches face in the future are both complex as they are numerous.

Mount Curve Press has been in the business for nearly a decade producing websites on the Squarespace platform. Daniel D. Maurer, an author as well as a website designer can provide your Episcopal Church with a website you’re not only proud to own, but one that’s easy to use and accomplishes your mission.